Found | A Larder Table


Sometimes, you need a landing place. A surface nearby to hold what needs holding. To help the the function of a space rise to perfection. To make all the difference. One lucky day, that landing place just might be a marble topped antique table-cum-island in the center of the larder.

I’d had it in my mind’s eye for a good long time - a larder table that was waiting to hold armloads of goods just in and ready to be shelved, or my ‘shopping basket’ that I bring from the house when I need to restock the pantry. (Come to find out, it’s a place to set a box of peaches for ripening, or a bundle of gifted garlic for curing, too.) Then, for all the years of looking and waiting, I found it unexpectedly, in a backyard garage in the next town over. 

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